Selector XT is a free XTension courtesy of Markzware which has been extracted from the more powerful XTension SuperXState™ as a means of advertising some of its features. Full working demos of SuperXState™ are available upon request.
Selector XT adds a pop-up menu to the item "Select All" under the Edit menu. This allows you to choose various ways to select text and boxes.
When the DRAG TOOL is currently selected, the pop-up menu will offer several choices.
Check "Spread" and Select All (command-A) will select all objects on the spread (ignoring objects out on the pasteboard). Check "Page" and only those objects which are on the current page will be selected.
Uncheck an item to turn the feature off.
Note that GROUP BOXES and ANCHORED BOXES are always ignored.
Check "All Boxes", "Text Boxes", "Picture Boxes" or "Lines" and just the chosen type will be selected when doing Select All. "Current Type" will use the currently selected box type (select a single box before doing Select All).
Checking either "Non-Empty Boxes" or "Empty Boxes" will select only those boxes which contain text or images, or are completely empty. Chained text boxes will be examined based upon the entire chain (for example, if the first box in the chain contains text, then all subsequent boxes will be considered to also contain text). Lines will not be selected using "Non-Empty Boxes".
The item "Select Special..." has been grayed out (see bottom of this readme).
When a text box is selected with the CONTENT TOOL, the pop-up menu will offer several choices. Check either "Down" or "Up" and the text will be selected based upon the current cursor position.
Uncheck an item to turn the feature off.
Check "Document", "Spread", "Page", "Box" or "Column" to limit the selection of text to the designated item.
The item "Select Special..." has been grayed out and will be implemented as more users request its functions. For example, this function will eventually allow you to select say "Red rotated rounded rectangles containg TIFF images", or other more exact and specific criteria for selecting objects, perhaps also based on certain areas of the page. Please let us know what you think.